The salaried citizens of US can borrow anywhere from $100 to $1500 for 14 days until their next payday under these loans. But the applicant must be employed in the existing job for last six months at least and their monthly salary should not be less than $1000. Only adult people of 18 years of age and above are eligible and they must have an active bank checking account.
Bad credit seldom comes in the borrower's way of taking out the loan. This is mainly because the lenders do not make any credit checks on the salaried people for the loan as risks are remote with them. The borrower can repay the loan on next payday with ease and hence the credit checks are usually not done. Hence, you can borrow the loan for emergency despite bad credit history of late payments, arrears and payment defaults.
Usually, the loan comes against a post-dated cheque that the borrower writes with borrowed amount and interest payment included in it. The loan can be rolled over for few more weeks on interest payments.
But bad credit emergency cash loans are costly for most of the salaried people. They have to fork out interest payments at high rates. Once you rollover the loan, the rate only goes higher. Hence it is advisable to make a good search on internet to find out a suitable deal that may come at lower rate. Ensure that you make the repayment of the loan on due date, without extending it.
Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Dexter
Payday loan or cash advance is like a second chance to settle someone's financial mess or emergency needs. It's wise to really think about first on how to pay the total amount on time so that there'll be no problem. Sometimes, people are treating this type of loan as normal bank loan, which is absolutely wrong. A payday loan is typically a more expensive type of credit because it is for a short-term and there is a higher risk of default. It is not meant to be a solution to long-term money problems, but rather a quick fix for a particular situation. Payday loans are most effectively used by paying them back in full by the specified due date.
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